Monday, May 2, 2011


                                   (Photo courtesy of People's Weekly World)

History was made ten years ago when thousands of innocent people including Muslims, were killed due to terrorist attacks. And then came the statement of Al-Qaeda, headed by Bin Laden, claiming to be Muslims (but definitely not Muslims) and taking full responsibility for such a cruelty. And then the entire world forgot that the people who were killed during those attacks also included Muslims! Since then Muslims have suffered harrassment on daily basis and crimes of hate all over the world. And that one statement reverberates today and continues to haunt Muslims every single day.

Today Bin Laden was finally killed and a statement was made,
"we must also reaffirm that the United States is not –- and never will be at war with Islam. I’ve made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war is not against Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims! Indeed, al Qaeda has slaughtered scores of Muslims in many countries, including our own..." (President Obama)
 And now the question is, will this statement be remembered for years?

To date Muslims all over the world are suffering, in other countries being labelled as terrorists and in their own countries by militants. Now, will the Muslims finally be respected? Or will they continue to be harrassed and tortured as more Fundamentalists and fanatics will try to avenge this killing of Laden and thus the viscious cycle continues.

Can we as Muslims ever hope for peace and justice? So I ask, have we made history or is this history in making?            


Imran Javed said...

I think USA is trying face saving after a defeat in Afghanistan. The so called super power could not win the war for last 10 years with the help of whole Nato and the latest technology.
Still they are not sure to whom they are fighting who are the poorest people in the world without any airforce tanks marines.
So know they say they killed him after 10 years of war and going back to save economy of USA which is not possible as it is the begging of the end !!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I also say that capturing and killing Osama is a bit more than just face saving....I'm just saying....

Imran Javed said...

Face saving is just a small word for USA after so many years of war. Point of great concern for me is that can on some day in future (inshallah) Pakistan will be able to conduct similar military operation on US soil to kill enemies in the name of security of Pakistan.
Otherwise Pak-US relation is Master Slave relationship.

Unknown said...

Very well written article.

I totally agree with Rasha that irreparable damage is done by this man whose actions had nothing coherent with the teaching of Islam. He was a mass murderer who took refuge under the pillars of a peaceful religion. He was a modern day Hilter, Stalin or Mao Tse Tung.

I also disagree that this is any kind of face saving drama. There is no need for the US to orchestrate his death. The reality is that Afghanistan was ruled by ragged junkies (lead by OBL) who legitimized themselves by calling themselves Muslims.

Lets not forget that more than 34,000 Pakistanis have been killed during the past 10 years because of this man.

I am quoting Mr. Javed here, "Point of great concern for me is that can on some day in future (inshallah) Pakistan will be able to conduct similar military operation on US soil to kill enemies in the name of security of Pakistan." I deplore this train of thought.

Returning violence for violence multiplies violence. Hate creates more hate. Why do we have to be hatemongers?

Do you know how Islam spread to the largest muslim country in the world, Indonesia? Not by brute force, or conquering. It was via good behavior of those traders. There are 203m peace loving muslims living there. Lets learn from our brethren.

This is a time for all of us to put our best foot forward. Globally Islam has a negative brand. We can all play a part in changing that.

Kashaf, I think we can help write the history by showing a more progressist face of Islam.

Thanks and keep writing

Unknown said...

Oops - my comments were longer than the blog itself :p
Peace to the world inshAllah

Unknown said...

Tauheed, your comments are right on. I pray that all this violence stops, and that the world starts to view Islam as the wonderful, peaceful religion that it truly is. May Allah help us all. Ameen.