Friday, May 14, 2010


One word that surely exists in my dictionary - as I strive to make it possible..
A word that keeps me going on and reaching for the stars..
Turn a can't into a can..
When you tell me I can't do it, you ignite a fire within me..
a fire which stays ablaze by your pessimism..
So today I would like to thank you - if it wasn't for your negative comments, your discouragement,  I may have lost this fire within me..
Today, I get my strength in my weakness, in my discouragements and in my hopelessness..
Tomorrow I'll smile, as tomorrow is mine!


Anonymous said...

:( Good Luck ....

There is nothing impossible to him who will try. Alexander the Great

Anonymous said...

Isn't it better to sometimes admit to the futility of things?

Kashaf said...

there's a famous saying 'its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all' but I modify it to this.. 'its better to have tried and lost than never to have tried at all'!! To me it makes sense.. wonder if others think like that too.. I'm a bit crazy in my beliefs!! :)
So my answer would be absolutely not! cause then its not fun at all and life is all about funnnn!! :D :P

guyinCA said...

very intriguing... so it takes adversity to bring out the best in you? I hope you don't seek adversaries just to keep the fire going :)

more than that though I hope someone's encouragement and positivity becomes the fuel for the fire that leads you to success in future!

God Bless.

Kashaf said...

thanx :)

well isn't it both the adversity and encouragement which keeps one going in life, don't you think?!

I believe I'm protected by dua and so the fire within keeps me going :)

Imran Javed said...

Muhammad Ali Jinnah Said," I do not take right decision but just take the decisions and try to make them right !!!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Always stay strong and happy