Thursday, May 6, 2010

Search through yesterday

Lonely in the murky night
a search through yesterday
a cold soft corner
and love exists there..

So many shattered dreams
with words unsaid
a deep burried storm
that would never rest..

Life an empty book
each word well read
a dream come true
but lost the edge..

Hope.. a falling star
with truth.. a quest
each passing moment
its life and death!


Anonymous said...

superb ...........

Anonymous said...

You wrote this?!... very nice!

Kashaf said...

thankx .. yes sure did :)

guyinCA said...

This is profound. I'm glad I stumbled upon this (you). Do blog more often.

God Bless.

Kashaf said...

thanx .. I'll try to.. :)

Imran Javed said...

Have seen dawn and sunset on moors and windy hills
Coming in solemn beauty like slow old tunes of Spain:
I have seen the lady April bringing in the daffodils,
Bringing the springing grass and the soft warm April rain.

I have heard the song of the blossoms and the old chant of the sea,
And seen strange lands from under the arched white sails of ships;
But the loveliest things of beauty God ever has showed to me
Are her voice, and her hair, and eyes, and the dear red curve of her lips.