Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Love, Trust, Life

Girl before a Mirror (Pablo Picasso 1932) at MOMA, NY

Love.. an unspoken trust.. you can't live without
a feeling so surreal.. you will lose your own being in it
an overwhelming temptation..  you will fight the world for it
and a pain so strong.. you wish it will kill you yet never end..

Trust.. a belief that gives you the purpose for life
a crime wave of epic proportions
Oblivious of the masochism.. you submit to it
but only to relinquish your soul.. forever..

Life.. an ever lasting voyage of hopes and despair
of mesmerizing dreams which enliven your soul
of love and trust which keeps you afloat..
close your eyes as only so much this soul can endure!


Anonymous said...


Put mathematically though:

Love is a subset of Trust.
Trust is a subset of Life.


fjbukhari said...

If these are your words, amazed by your literary talent.

Kashaf said...

Love and trust are so close yet so far apart!
And yes these are but my very own words :)

fjbukhari said...

Sure, Love and trust are close yet sometimes could be far apart or seem to be.

In which case would it be prudent to categorize the type of love that is incompatible with trust? I am not very much familiar with the concept as such but pathological love or delusional love come to mind.

But then, is it fair to stratify an emotion and characterize it in relation to other emotions (trust) when you very beautifully put it being surreal, all-giving and all-consuming.

I say, experience it devoid of conditionalities, with out boundaries and certainly with out judgement.

Kashaf said...
