Saturday, April 17, 2010


I didn't realize how much your life can change by someone's smile. How you can start loving someone so intensely who you have just met.. well I should say six months ago.. yes thats when he came into my life.. one look at him and I was mesmerized.. his eyes constantly remind me of my beloved's eyes.. and his smile and laughter ..ah.. something I long to see and hear!

My baby my Orhan, my nephew.. he is six months old now mashaAllah and I long to hold him in my arms the way I held him when he was born. I wish you a long and healthy life, full of love and happiness and wish you grow into someone we all could be proud of.. just as we are now!

Happy (6 months) birthday my Orhan!


Unknown said...

Wishing Orhan Health Happiness and Love always ..

Anonymous said...

May he have a long and prosperous life. Is Orhan your son?

Kashaf said...

he's my nephew and ofcourse mera baita!

Shazia Nawaz said...

Have a child kashaf. There is no bigger love. And that is also a reason to not have one. Why love another human so much???

Kashaf said...

Shazia when its time for me and meant to be I'm sure I'll have a child!

Anonymous said...

How are you Kashaf? Are you in a relationship?

Kashaf said...

I'm good, thanks. No I am not! Who is this btw? Care to give out your name?!