Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Love, Trust, Life

Girl before a Mirror (Pablo Picasso 1932) at MOMA, NY

Love.. an unspoken trust.. you can't live without
a feeling so surreal.. you will lose your own being in it
an overwhelming temptation..  you will fight the world for it
and a pain so strong.. you wish it will kill you yet never end..

Trust.. a belief that gives you the purpose for life
a crime wave of epic proportions
Oblivious of the masochism.. you submit to it
but only to relinquish your soul.. forever..

Life.. an ever lasting voyage of hopes and despair
of mesmerizing dreams which enliven your soul
of love and trust which keeps you afloat..
close your eyes as only so much this soul can endure!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Bigger Picture..

Its 51 degrees here in NYC as I write tonight in my warm bed.. I think of the thousands back home in Pakistan who had lost their homes because of the flooding earlier this year and they sit alone under the sky in this cold night! Do we owe anything to them, to our motherland, to our people? And if so, what? Just words, few dollars or a life long commitment to make it a better world for them, for us or for human race?! How can we make a difference in their lives? A friend of mine reminded me today the saying of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) 'one should not go to sleep at night if his neighbour is hungry'.  And how many sleepless nights have we spent? There are so many questions that it is mind boggling.. So where do we start?  'Charity is a duty unto every Muslim (rather every person in this world!). He who hath not the means thereto, let him do a good act or abstain from an evil one. That is his charity!'

So lets start..  lets start at home, right now, right here! Lets donate generously for our people in Pakistan. And lets make a pact that we will not let our soul go to sleep until every man, woman and child in this world is safe! Lets abstain from violence!

Lets make this a better world for ourselves and for our children!

Severe flooding in Pakistan - The Big Picture - Boston.com

Friday, May 14, 2010


One word that surely exists in my dictionary - as I strive to make it possible..
A word that keeps me going on and reaching for the stars..
Turn a can't into a can..
When you tell me I can't do it, you ignite a fire within me..
a fire which stays ablaze by your pessimism..
So today I would like to thank you - if it wasn't for your negative comments, your discouragement,  I may have lost this fire within me..
Today, I get my strength in my weakness, in my discouragements and in my hopelessness..
Tomorrow I'll smile, as tomorrow is mine!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How mothers deliver a baby - little girl's perspective

Friend of mine just posted this and I had to share it with everyone.. makes me smile no matter how many times I watch this! Innocence of kids.. only if it could remain untouched!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Search through yesterday

Lonely in the murky night
a search through yesterday
a cold soft corner
and love exists there..

So many shattered dreams
with words unsaid
a deep burried storm
that would never rest..

Life an empty book
each word well read
a dream come true
but lost the edge..

Hope.. a falling star
with truth.. a quest
each passing moment
its life and death!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

No where to be found

As the sun sets I reach for you
but you are no where to be found..
I saw a faint light a distance away
and such a confusion it gave..
It came closer to me
when I wanted to be away
in the darkness.. it got so strong
I closed my eyes
and felt myself falling..
I opened my eyes and searched for you
but you were no where to be found!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan -- The King of Qawwali

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, was a legend in the true sense. With his music and voice he touched the hearts of millions all over the world. Our musical ambassador, who put Pakistani qawwali on the international map. Born in Faisalabad, Pakistan in 1948 in a family where qawwali was sang for hundreds of years. Khan was immersed in qawwali, the devotional music of the Sufis (a mystical tradition within Islam) at an early age, however his first public performance was at his father's funeral. "The sound of love opens doors. The inner devotion of his heart has opened the doors of his own development from a small child in Pakistan deemed too soft in fortitude to carry on the family mantel of their qawwali tradition, to an immovable master of the art of song." (Jeff Buckley 1996)

Khan sang qawwali, traditional music of Islamic sufism, mostly in Punjabi and Urdu over the backdrop of beautiful tabla and harmonium music. His songs were heard not only in Pakistan but infact all over the world.

He did colloborative work with Peter Gabriel in 1985 for 'The Last Temptation of Christ'. His work with musician and producer Michael Brook, 'Mustt Mustt' and 'Night Song' introduced him to the western world. He also provided amazing soundtrack 'Taboo' for movie 'Natural Born Killers' (1994) with Peter Gabriel and soundtrack 'The face of Love' for  'Dead man walking' (1996) with Eddi Vedder. He also provided vocals for 'The Prayer Cycle' by Elias Jonathan but his work was not finished because of his untimely death and this was later completed by Alanis Morissette. Khan has provided songs to many local Pakistani and also Bollywood movies.

In 90ies his song 'Dum Mastt Qalandar' remixed by Massive Attack became a huge club hit in the UK. 'Intoxicated Spirit' was nominated for Grammy Award for best traditional folk album in 1997. Also listed as the world's 50 most influential music artists by Spin magazine in 1998 and top twelve in the '60 Years of Asian Heroes' by Time magazine in 2006. As per Guinness Book of World Records, Khan hold the world record for the largest recorded output by a qawwali artist.

Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, had a unique voice which induced ecstacy even in non-muslims. He could sing for hours at a stretch and would leave you mesmerized. Once you start listening to his music there is no turning back. 'Tere ankhon main aisa jado hai ke qadam larkhanay lage'... his voice carries you on a high only true lovers and devotees can feel. His songs are stunningly beautiful, painful yet fulfilling. Through his voice you can feel there is God, there is love, there is hope!

A visionary artist, affectionately known as 'Khan Sahib' left a permanent mark and paved the way for musicians and spiritual world. He represented possibilites, rendered a vision and beauty in the chaos, his music was true to ancient qawwali yet reinvented and redefined in a way beyond imagination. His music was magical, divine and touched your heart to the core. Jeff Buckley when heard him for the first time said "Then came the voice of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Part Buddha, part demon, part mad angel... his voice is a velvet fire, simply incomparable". He called him 'My Elvis'. In his interview of Khan for 'Interview magazine' (1996) said of his music "it is soaring, healing, penetrating music that rips the sky open, slowly revealing the radiant face of the Beloved""How can a man fly effortlessly through the air and still look like he carries the ancient weight of six hundred years that is the art qawwali happily on his shoulders and into the present?" He did not play music but infact was music himself. Buckley loved to sing Khan's song 'yeh jo halka halka suroor hai'.

His music gets you in a trance, his voice takes you to another world where only you and your beloved exist, it forces you to look beyond and gives you a prespective in life. Khan Sahib's music makes you wonder the reason of your true existence and you are never ever the same. In his short life he contributed to the music world in a way beyond possible. The world renowned qawwali vocalist, died young of kidney disease complications in 1997 and was buried in his hometown Faisalabad, Pakistan. I feel a great sense of loss today. The loss of an extraordinary artist and the loss of a friend, Peter Gabriel (1997). With his death and loss of his qawwali there is a void which would take years to fill if at all possible.'pyaar kiya nahin jaata pyaar ho jata hai'!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I didn't realize how much your life can change by someone's smile. How you can start loving someone so intensely who you have just met.. well I should say six months ago.. yes thats when he came into my life.. one look at him and I was mesmerized.. his eyes constantly remind me of my beloved's eyes.. and his smile and laughter ..ah.. something I long to see and hear!

My baby my Orhan, my nephew.. he is six months old now mashaAllah and I long to hold him in my arms the way I held him when he was born. I wish you a long and healthy life, full of love and happiness and wish you grow into someone we all could be proud of.. just as we are now!

Happy (6 months) birthday my Orhan!