Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Love, Trust, Life

Girl before a Mirror (Pablo Picasso 1932) at MOMA, NY

Love.. an unspoken trust.. you can't live without
a feeling so surreal.. you will lose your own being in it
an overwhelming temptation..  you will fight the world for it
and a pain so strong.. you wish it will kill you yet never end..

Trust.. a belief that gives you the purpose for life
a crime wave of epic proportions
Oblivious of the masochism.. you submit to it
but only to relinquish your soul.. forever..

Life.. an ever lasting voyage of hopes and despair
of mesmerizing dreams which enliven your soul
of love and trust which keeps you afloat..
close your eyes as only so much this soul can endure!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Bigger Picture..

Its 51 degrees here in NYC as I write tonight in my warm bed.. I think of the thousands back home in Pakistan who had lost their homes because of the flooding earlier this year and they sit alone under the sky in this cold night! Do we owe anything to them, to our motherland, to our people? And if so, what? Just words, few dollars or a life long commitment to make it a better world for them, for us or for human race?! How can we make a difference in their lives? A friend of mine reminded me today the saying of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) 'one should not go to sleep at night if his neighbour is hungry'.  And how many sleepless nights have we spent? There are so many questions that it is mind boggling.. So where do we start?  'Charity is a duty unto every Muslim (rather every person in this world!). He who hath not the means thereto, let him do a good act or abstain from an evil one. That is his charity!'

So lets start..  lets start at home, right now, right here! Lets donate generously for our people in Pakistan. And lets make a pact that we will not let our soul go to sleep until every man, woman and child in this world is safe! Lets abstain from violence!

Lets make this a better world for ourselves and for our children!

Severe flooding in Pakistan - The Big Picture - Boston.com