Friday, May 14, 2010


One word that surely exists in my dictionary - as I strive to make it possible..
A word that keeps me going on and reaching for the stars..
Turn a can't into a can..
When you tell me I can't do it, you ignite a fire within me..
a fire which stays ablaze by your pessimism..
So today I would like to thank you - if it wasn't for your negative comments, your discouragement,  I may have lost this fire within me..
Today, I get my strength in my weakness, in my discouragements and in my hopelessness..
Tomorrow I'll smile, as tomorrow is mine!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How mothers deliver a baby - little girl's perspective

Friend of mine just posted this and I had to share it with everyone.. makes me smile no matter how many times I watch this! Innocence of kids.. only if it could remain untouched!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Search through yesterday

Lonely in the murky night
a search through yesterday
a cold soft corner
and love exists there..

So many shattered dreams
with words unsaid
a deep burried storm
that would never rest..

Life an empty book
each word well read
a dream come true
but lost the edge..

Hope.. a falling star
with truth.. a quest
each passing moment
its life and death!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

No where to be found

As the sun sets I reach for you
but you are no where to be found..
I saw a faint light a distance away
and such a confusion it gave..
It came closer to me
when I wanted to be away
in the darkness.. it got so strong
I closed my eyes
and felt myself falling..
I opened my eyes and searched for you
but you were no where to be found!